Calvin’s Doctrine of the Work of Christ

By J.F. Jansen

A seminal re-evaluation of Calvin’s Christology focussing on his doctrine of Christ’s work.

ISBN: 9780227176801


The revival of interest in the Protestant Reformation in the mid-twentieth century was marked by several studies of John Calvin. J.F. Jansen, however, noted that these had shed new light on almost every aspect of his thought except that which lies at the heart of his theology – the doctrine of Christ’s work.

In Calvin’s Doctrine of the Work of Christ, Jansen corrects this omission, providing a fresh study of Calvin’s work in this area with special reference to his exegetical writings. Besides critiquing Calvin’s development of the doctrine, he also examines the traditional theological formula of the three offices of Christ as prophet, priest and king. Reacting against the return to this formula by contemporary theologians such as Emil Brunner, he shows that an alternative conception of Christ’s work is possible.

Additional information

Dimensions 216 × 138 mm
Pages 123


Trade Information LGENPOD

About the Author

John Frederick Jansen wrote Calvin’s Doctrine of the Work of Christ while Professor of Religion at Hanover College in Indiana, but his interest in Calvin and Christology was first awakened during his graduate studies at Princeton Theological Seminary. He went on to be Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Texas.



I. Preliminary Reflections
(a) On the Relationship Between the Person and Work of Christ
(b) A Traditional Formula Returns
(c) Whence and Whither
II. The Offices of Christ in Calvin’s Systematic Theology
(a) The Development of Calvin’s Doctrine of the Offices
(b) The Place of the Formula in Calvin’s Thought
III. The Exegetical Basis of Calvin’s Doctrine of the Offices of Christ
(a) Christ in all of the Scriptures
(b) The Office of the Redeemer
(c) The Messiah
(d) Christ our King
(e) Christ our Priest
(f) Christ the Revelation of God
(g) Conclusion
IV. Postscript
(a) Summary
(b) The Implications Tested
