Christian Empiricism: Studies in Philosophy and Religion

By Ian Ramsey

A collection of articles and essays by the former Bishop of Durham exploring his approach to philosophy and theology and the relationship between them.

ISBN: 9780227172919


Divided into three parts, this volume contains Ian Ramsey’s most relevant essays on philosophy, metaphysics and ontology, the meaning and understanding of the gospels, and the justification of faith. An extensive appendix includes the author’s answers to the contemporary subjects of freedom and immortality, Christian education and the intellectual crisis, and they are complimented by a selected bibliography.

Additional information

Dimensions 216 × 140 mm
Pages 260

Trade Information JPOD

About the Author

Ian Thomas Ramsey was Professor of Philosophy of Religion in the University of Oxford and Bishop of Durham from 1966. In 1970 he became chairman of the BBC’s Central Religious Advisory Committee. He died in 1972 of a heart attack.


Editor’s Preface

Part One: Contemporary Philosophy
Contemporary Empiricism
The Systematic Elusiveness of ‘I’
Biology & Personality: Some Philosophical Reflections
Ethics & Reason

Part Two: The Meaning of God Talk
Theological Literacy 1 and 2
  On Understanding Mystery
  On Being Articulate about the Gospel
Paradox in Religion
Talking of God: Models, Ancient & Modern

Part Three: The Logic of Faith
Religion and Science: A Philosopher’s Approach
Facts and Disclosures
The Logical Character of Resurrection-belief
History and the Gospels: Some Philosophical Reflections

Appendix: Ian Ramsey in Dialogue
Freedom and Immortality 1 and 2
  A review by H.D. Lewis
  Some Further Reflections by Ian Ramsey

The Intellectual Crisis of British Christianity 1 and 2
  Ninian Smart’s Argument
  A Reply by Ian Ramsey

Christian Education 1 and 2
  ‘Post Mortem Dei’ by Paul M. van Buren
  Discernment, Commitment & Cosmic Disclosure by Ian Ramsey

Select Bibliography


Endorsements and Reviews

…the articles selected display the evolution of Ramsey’s thought quite well and respond to many of the criticisms of his work.
Terrence W. Tilley, in Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Vol 43, No 4