Notes from a Wayward Son: A Miscellany: Second Expanded Edition

By Andrew G. Walker

A selection of the writings of the theologian Andrew Walker, displaying the full breadth of his learning and interests over a long and distinguished career.

ISBN: 9780227177099


This ‘miscellany’ puts readers around the table with a teacher who has provided the church with wisdom and passion, allowing us to hear an important contribution to the ongoing conversation about the relationship between the gospel and culture. Andrew Walker’s ‘ecc lesial intelligence’ and broad interdisciplinary approach to theology and sociology will undoubtedly capture the imagination of many who are curious about the church’s mission in the modern West. Notes from a Wayward Son represents a broad sampling of Walker’s writings from a distinguished forty-five-year career – from explorations of Pentecostalism and Charismatic Renewal to Eastern Orthodoxy, C.S. Lewis, and Deep Church; from the impact of modernity on the ecclesia to mission and ecumenism in the West today. In a world and a church often driven by the latest fashions, Walker’s is a voice to which we will want to listen!

Additional information

Dimensions 229 × 153 mm
Pages 364


Trade Information JPOD

About the Author

Andrew G. Walker is Emeritus Professor of Theology, Religion, and Culture at King’s College, London.

Andrew D. Kinsey is senior pastor at Grace United Methodist Church, Franklin, Indiana. He was awarded the Pastor-Preacher-Scholar Award by the Wesleyan Theological Society in 2011.


Foreword / William J. Abraham
Preface to the Second Edition / Andrew D. Kinsey
Introduction to the Second Edition / Andrew G. Walker

Journey into the Spirit: Pentecostalism, Charismatic, and Restorationist Christianity
1. Pentecostalism and Charismatic Christianity
2. The Devil You Think You Know: Demonology and the Charismatic Movement
3. Thoroughly Modern: Sociological Reflections on the Charismatic Movement from the End of the Twentieth Century
4. The Restorationist Movement in Great Britain
5. Crossing the Restorationist Rubicon: From House Church to New Church
6. Pentecostal Power: The “Charismatic Renewal Movement” and the Politics of Pentecostal Experience

Mere Christianity and the Search for Orthodoxy
7. Notes from a Wayward Son
8. Under the Russian Cross: A Research Note on C.S. Lewis and the Eastern Orthodox Church
9. Young Jack
10. Scripture, Revelation, and Platonism in C.S. Lewis
11. Reflections on C.S. Lewis, Apologetics, and the Moral Tradition: Interview with Basil Mitchell

Orthodox Perspectives
12. The Prophetic Role of Orthodoxy in Contemporary Culture
13. Homiletics and Biblical Fidelity: An Ecclesial Approach to Orthodox Preaching
14. Interview with Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh
15. Obituary of Metropolitan Anthony of Sorouzh
16. Open or Shut Case? An Orthodox View on Inter-communion

Ecumenical Thoughts on Church and Culture
17. The Third Schism: The Great Divide in Christianity Today
18. Sectarian Reactions: Pluralism and the Privatization of Religion
19. Harmful Religion
20. Knowing God Personally: Reflections on the Feminist Concept of Patriarchy
21. The Gospel in a Culture of False Gods: Interview with Bishop Lesslie Newbigin

Journalism and Other Media
22. The Crisis of Christmas
23. Galloping Consumption
24. The True Tragedy of Creationism
25. Chuckling in The Shack
26. Who WIll Stand Up for Edward Irving?
27. Reimagining Doubting Thomas
28. Into the Future
29. The Pharisee and the Christian
30. The Mission Church

Timeline: Andrew G. Walker


Endorsements and Reviews

The second edition of Notes from a Wayward Son highlights the ground-breaking work of Andrew Walker, bringing together his expertise in sociology and his commitment to orthodox trinitarian theology.
Pete Ward, Professor of Practical Theology, Durham University

This wonderful book is a welcome addition to Andrew Walker’s remarkable canon of work. Andrew Kinsey is to be commended for sourcing, collating, and now updating an eclectic mix of papers, chapters, articles, and thinkpieces that vividly exhibits Andrew’s protean curiosity, intellectual generosity, and wry wit.
David Hilborn, Principal, Moorlands College

There are very few scholars who bring together genuine experience and appreciation of the Charismatic movement, Pentecostalism, and Eastern Orthodoxy, along with a sensitivity to the currents running through the wider church across the world. Andrew Walker does this and more in this fascinating collection of pieces touching on his extraordinary wide-raging interests. There is much here to stimulate and to instruct – it is forthright yet sensitive, perceptive yet pastoral.
Graham Tomlin, Bishop of Kensington, President of St Mellitus College

there is much food for thought in this great collection of essays.
Paul Beasley-Murray, Church Matters, 21 January 2021