Some Things Considered: A Selection of Essays of Biblical and Historical Significance

By Bryan W. Ball

Bryan Ball offers his readers a unique selection of distinctive essays on topics of theological and historical significance.

ISBN: 9780227180501


In Some Things Considered, Bryan Ball offers his readers a unique selection of distinctive essays on topics of theological and historical significance. Designed as stand-alone essays, across the volume Ball nevertheless explores the core beliefs fundamental to Christianity and key principles of biblical interpretation, allowing readers to come to his later chapters with a thorough grounding in biblical theology and interpretation.

Ball then explores a variety of topics, from the geological and geophysical evidence of the Genesis Flood to the seventeenth century controversy about the Sabbath day. Honing in on oft-misunderstood verses such as Daniel 8:14 and Genesis 1:16, he offers nuanced interpretations. He culminates the collection with a discussion of the biblical context surrounding the ‘The Decline of the West’.

Additional information

Dimensions 152 × 229 mm
Pages 257

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Trade Information JPOD

About the Author

Bryan W. Ball is an Adventist, and retired academic and church administrator. He is the author of numerous books, including The Seventh-Day Men (2009), The English Connection (second edition, 2014), and The Soul Sleepers (2008). He holds a PhD from the University of London and has contributed to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography and the Encyclopaedia of World Faiths.



1. Basic Principles of Biblical Interpretation
2. Key Concepts in Biblical Theology 1
3. Key Concepts in Biblical Theology 2
4. Daniel 8:14 in Context
5. Genesis 1:16 and the Age of the Universe
6. Geological and Geophysical Evidence of the Genesis Flood
7. The Origins of Genesis Reconsidered
8. The Immortality of the Soul: Could Christianity Survive Without It?
9. The Sabbath in Post- Reformation England
10. The Decline of the West: Fact or Fiction?



Endorsements and Reviews

This is a book every Christian preacher and pastoral leader should read. It is extremely timely and practical, demonstrating how to recover, restate and reaffirm the gospel message for a post-modern world that has largely been confused by poor biblical hermeneutics and undermined by a self-centred humanism, causing it to discredit and subsequently abandon Christianity and Christian values. Bryan Craig MSc, Dmin

Drawing on his wide-ranging research Bryan Ball has produced a book which will be invaluable for any preacher or Bible student. His ‘Principles of Biblical Interpretation’ applied in each chapter resolve many misunderstandings and better represent the true Gospel message. The last chapter speaks of the ‘Decline of the West’ along with the absence of Christian Faith. As we ask “Why is this generation broadly rejecting Church?” we are led to ponder whether better use of those principles would help us to more effectively interpret the Bible message in ways a modern mind could understand.
A very thoughtful read which has provoked me to be more careful in my interpretation of God’s Word. James Huzzey, Retired pastor and Youth Minister